Alice in Wonderland
July 2025
Every summer, our church reaches out to the community by putting on a full-on summer musical program! Over the course of a few months, we hold auditions and rehearsals in preparation for our shows.
The theatre program is a rich, beautiful, unique ministry of Sunny Hills Church. Our program is first and foremost a ministry, not a theater company. We seek to create a loving, inclusive community through the modality of theater, with the end goal of loving people and loving God. Fostering this kind of environment is a much higher priority than any theatrical performance we put on. We value and prioritize Love over performance. And somehow, this has resulted in some of the very most excellent performances you’ll find around!
Completely run on donations, students ages 8-18 are invited to participate in this free program.
Coming summer of 2025…Alice in Wonderland!
We are beyond excited to announce registration dates/information for our upcoming production of Alice in Wonderland. Below you will read IMPORTANT Q&A information regarding auditions, registration, and requirements:
Alice in Wonderland Registration Q&A:
1. When does registration open?
Sunny Hills Youth Theater’s Alice in Wonderland registration form will be published on Friday, March 21st at 6pm to our current youth theater students via Google Classroom. At 10am on Saturday, March 22nd, registration will be published HERE on our website to the general public:
2. Who is eligible for registration?
Students must be 8-18 years old to participate in this production (siblings younger than 8 will be accepted by approval process only; please email: sunnyhillsyouththeater@shcoc.org for more info).
3. When are the audition dates?
The Pre-audition Workshop and Parent Meeting will be on April 11th from 6pm-7:30pm. Auditions will be on April 12th: Ages 8-11 (10am-12pm), Ages 12-14 (12pm-2pm), Ages 15-18 (2pm-4pm). Call-backs will be on April 13th at 2pm by invitation only.
4. Can I fill out one form for all of my children?
No, each participating student must fill out a registration form. If you have 2 or more children registering, we recommend having an additional parent or guardian assist you with registering your children.
5. How large will the cast size be?
The registration form will be closed at 200 participants. We recommend placing the publishing time in your calendar or setting an alarm.
6. Am I required to volunteer?
This year, we are asking all families to volunteer for at least TWO volunteer shifts each (can be during rehearsals and/or performances). This can be through Cast Supervision (rehearsals & performances), Concessions, Ushers, & Patio Host (during rehearsals & during performances).
7. If I have conflicts, can I still be in the show?
Yes, however, you must list known conflicts on the registration form. Students must also be available during ALL of tech week and performances: June 28th-29th; July 6th-9th (Tech week); July 10th-13th; July 17th-20th (Show dates). We recommend taking note of your known conflicts and/or vacation plans now, so you are prepared when the registration form opens.
If you have any additional questions, please email us: sunnyhillsyouththeater@shcoc.org
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With the assistance of many, MANY talented, hard-working individuals, we presented FROZEN JR. 2024!
Some images from past productions . . .
From Mary Poppins to Alice in Wonderland…