

adult bible class

Currently led by Phil Towne and going through the Gospel of John, our Adult Bible Class meets on Sunday Mornings at 10:15 in the Fellowship Hall. It’s a time of lively, interactive discussion as we learn more about the life and person of Jesus.


sunny hills kids

Sunny Hills elementary-aged kids meet together on Sunday mornings at 10:15. In the Fall, they experience the Bible in a creative and interactive way through our Journeyland curriculum. In the Spring, our young students engage Scripture through our Praising God with Mind and Body (PGMB) curriculum. Following VBS in the Summer, elementary students are encouraged to participate in the “big service” with their families. Click the Learn More button for more information!



For many years, Sunny Hills has been privileged to partner with the Oasis After School Program and a women’s shelter in Vicente Guerrero, Mexico. Groups head to VG from Sunny Hills usually at least twice a year, to help in whatever ways needed. Sometimes the work involves construction, other times it’s meals or fellowship, and still other times the work involves helping implement new programs to benefit the community and further expand the Kingdom of God. Partner with us!


Youth Ministry

Our youth encompass junior high through college aged people, and they are a fun and lively group! Currently they meet as a big group about once a month for various activities - Karaoke, Games, and the infamous Sunny Hills original - Redballtober. Our desire is to forge a solid community among our students, while at the same time instilling a holistic, deep, life-long living and active faith in God.