
The history of Sunny Hills Church of Christ goes back to the late 1950’s/early 1960’s. We are blessed to have so many members who have walked through life together for several decades, sharing in the joys and sorrows, bearing each others burdens, and encouraging one another toward Love and good works. We know this is a rare and beautiful treasure to have, and we do not take this gift for granted!

In fact, this gift is SO good, we want to invite YOU to join us! At Sunny Hills, there are no strangers. We hope you feel seen and wholly accepted here, because you truly are.

Take a look at our calendar, click around to learn about our ministries, and join us anytime, for anything. You belong here.


Upcoming Events



memorial service for Suzy Lents

Our dear sister, Suzy Lents, went home to be with the Lord on October 9. The church will host a Memorial Service for her on Friday, October 21 beginning at 11:30 AM. A light luncheon will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Join us in community, as we remember the beautiful life and legacy of Suzy, and as we support Jim, Marc, Rachel, and the whole family.


coming up (sundays)

save the date(s)!

We have many reasons to celebrate! Mark your calendars for the following SUNDAYS . . .

11/6 Bridal Shower for Janet Cagley

11/20 Baby Girl shower for Olga

11/26 10 AM Combined Service + Potluck


coming up (not sundays)

ALSO around the corner

Saturday October 29 TRUNK or TREAT!

Friday November 25 Youth Group Game Night

Friday December 16 Youth Group Christmas Walk